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Best Japanese Knives – Reviews 2022 – 2023

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After A Class Japanese Knife? –  Here Are The Top 3

The Japanese have always been famous for their blades, from the Katana wielded by the Samurai, to the Tanto. In modern days, their skills with making blades has not changed in the slightest with the exception of using more modernised versions of their techniques, turning this long history of sword making to a more culinary route. The Japanese boast some of the finest cooking knives money can buy. From the thin, sharp blades, to the well-crafted handles, their cooking knives are something to be sought after. This review is on the top three Japanese Knives currently on the market today.


ZELITE INFINITY Review – Our Number 1

ZELITE INFINITYThis, curved edged, ten inch, steel blade (view on Amazon) is made by the company ZELITE as a part of their Infinity range. This sleek looking blade is classically designed, with their signature engraved on the blade as well as on the rather gorgeous, chrome coloured, box it comes in. This chef knife is a beautiful example of the Japanese cooking knives they have for sale. This bonuses and features of this Chef Knife are as followed.

  • The ten inch ZELITE Infinity is made from Japanese VG-10 Super Steel. Combined with the skill went into crafting this blade, it adds for a nicer cutting feel, due to the materials and the sharpness of the blade itself.ZELITE INFINITY Review
  • Along with the ten inches the blade has, which is longer than the average Chef knife out there, the deeper blade makes for a studier and smoother cut. Favouring the rocking motion used by professional chefs, if used correctly it will make short work of even the thick items you need to slice through
  • When it comes to well crafted, the ZELITE Infinity does not stop at the blade itself. The well but tastefully adorned handle is crafted for a more secure and comfortable grip. Thanks to this, being able to grip it for long periods of time is less troublesome, and made for a nice time using it.
  • Using classic Japanese folding techniques they used since the creation of the Katana, this blade, thanks to this style of blade crafting, is super sharp. Plus knowing that the blade was made this way made me happy since I could imagine myself as a brave Samurai fighting the true enemy of my Shogun, hunger.

From the well-crafted blade, to the beautifully designed handle, there was little I could fault about this Chef Knife.  If you have the money to purchase this knife go out and get it. My aim is to have all my knives for my kitchen made by the Japanese and this is a definite contender for my ten inch blade.


Features: Made from Japanese VG-10 Super Steel – Ten Inch Deep Blade – Well Crafted Handle – Super Sharp

Price: High-End





KBK Review – Number 2

KBKA curved edge, eight inch, stainless steel blade, this knife is made by KBK, another top company when it comes to making Japanese cooking knives. The blade is a very simple but nice design along with the handle having a simple ripple effect on it. It is not the flashiest looking Chef Knife out there, but it is still a nice knife, using simplicity rather than flashy engravings. The features and bonuses of the KBK are as followed.

  • Using VG-10 Japanese stainless steel the blade is crafted to be extra sharp. The flexible nature of this blade adds to a smoother cutting feel, but it does not take away from the durability of the blade itself, so it will last longer than some, if taken care of.KBK Review
  • Ergonomically designed it is a well-balanced blade, only adding to the smoothness of the cutting experience, but also adding an extra level of safety when cutting it, because of the balance, it is harder to accidently make a random cut, which, in my experience can actually be your finger.
  • The handle is made from G10 fibre. This material aids in assisting against fatigue and finger numbness. So this knife not only focuses on its own durability, but because of the well-crafted, comfortable nature of the handle, it also focuses on your durability when using it, which can be very handy when you are making that little extra because of those few extra guests that are popping around.
  • A simple but interesting design. Not so much a bonus, but a nice feature. The Hammer finish they use, makes the simplistic look of the blade stand out that little bit more, giving this blade a more unique look to it. I personally like this, since it makes it stand out from some of the others and makes it not just another chef knife.

This simple, but well designed and nice looking blade, is also hard to fault, especially because of the price itself. It is not the cheapest out there, but for professional quality it is hard to say not to its value. Worth consideration when purchasing your next eight inch chef knife.


Features: Uses VG-10 Japanese Steel – Ergonomically Designed – Comfortable, Fibre Handle – Hammer Finished

Price: Mid-Range





Godmorn Review – Number 3

GodmornA sleek looking knife, this is a beautiful example of no frills when it comes to the look of a knife. However, a chef knife, or any kind of knife, should not be bought simply because it looks fancy. The true quality of a cooking knife of any variety is in the quality of the materials as well as on how well it was made. This knife made by Godmon is a prime example of this. The features and bonuses of this blade are as followed.

  • Like all three knives, this one was made from quality Japanese steel. However, the type of it is different from the other two making it have a more rigid quality. It has also been granted, thanks to the type of steel, durability and makes it hard to stain, for those who like me, find themselves cutting a bloody piece of meat.Godmorn Review
  • Even though simple in its design, the handle itself is well made, and has a comfortable feel to it. I cannot stress how important this is, because of the handle is not up the snuff, then it can lead to wrist ache and finger numbness, which will not only impede the amount of time you have to actually use it, but it will affect the quality of you prep work.
  • The blade was made to be naturally sharp, which should be expected by any kind of cooking blade, but the natural sharpness of the Godmon was surprising, and I found that I did not have to sharpen the blade any further which I have, unfortunately had to do with other knives I have used in the past.
  • Thanks to a focus on a balanced design this blade is a lot safer to use than others. I would not say give it to your children level of safe, since it is a knife after all, but thanks to the balance, it is a lot harder to cut at the wrong angle and therefore end up cutting your fingers. Still be careful though, even the most well designed knife can be dangerous if you do not pay attention to what you are doing.

I liked this knife, it is not the flashiest one out there, but the ease I was able to use it from the natural sharpness of the blade itself to its well balanced design, it is hard to say no to it, especially at the price most places are selling it for. Definitely worth considering, especially if you are on a budget.


Features: Made from AUS-8 Japanese Steel – Comfortable Handle – Sharp Edge – Well Balanced Design

Price: Budget






All three Japanese knives I have reviewed are top quality, and I’m not surprised why they are the top three out there. I would not fault anyone for picking any one of them, or all of them for that matter. From the budget but sturdily made Godmon to the High Priced but supremely well-designed ZELITE INFINITY they are all beautiful pieces of cookware worthy of anyone’s kitchen. However, if I have to pick one, it will have to be the ZELITE INFINITY. I have tested blades from this range in the past, and they never fail to meet my expectations when it comes to quality. This knife from the ZELITE INFINITY range is no exception, and even though pricy they are more than worth the cost.





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